Thursday, September 6, 2012

Hello :)

Hey everyone :) Welcome to my new blog! I'm trying something new and kinda want to see how this goes, so...if anyone actually starts to follow this, please hang in there with me !

So, with all that being said, let me tell you a little about this blog (after all, that's why you're still reading right?)

Hello Joyce Creations is the name of my... lets call it a "project"..for now. I would love for it to someday become a "business" but we're not there yet! (maybe this blog will help?). Anyways, it really started with three friends that learned to knit. It started with one person who taught the other two at work. I wouldn't say that we didn't "work" at work, but there was a lot of down time...sitting at a desk...waiting for java to update...haha! Back to the knitting...we decided that we might try to sell some of our items on Etsy to see if we could make any extra money from this. Well that idea never really panned out they way we planned. One friend stopped being interested and the other decided to call her stuff something else. I decided that I would go with this "project" on my own and not just make knitted items. I've always been somewhat crafty and I love to sew. So, in addition to knitting, Hello Joyce Creations includes all things crafty :)

So where did the name "Hello Joyce" come from? 

I'm glad you asked and no, my name is not Joyce :) Have you ever seen the movie Just Friends? This was a favorite of ours and the scene that we would always quote was this one:

So, now that you know a little about Hello Joyce, please follow us and stay along for the show :) I'll post before and afters of my projects, tutorials (hopefully - I'm bad at following directions!) and other fun stuff!


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