Friday, November 30, 2012

Houndstooth Chair

I found this chair at one of my usual places and really liked the lines and modern-ish look of it.

The fur-babies really liked it too

Add a little red paint and some houndstooth fabric and look at how cute it turned out!

If you don't know already, you'll learn that I really (REALLY) like to up-cycle materials in my crafting. The thrift store is my best friend for materials. The fabric for this chair is from a skirt! It turned out great for this piece, plus its super soft :)


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Yard Sale Finds!

After doing some running around with my mom on Saturday, we pulled into her neighborhood and decided to stop by the neighbors yard sale. They were trying to raise money for a mission trip and they had GREAT prices on everything! We spent $20 total and picked up some great pieces!

Once again I, of course, forget to take before pictures because I'm so excited to start working on something, but here is the results of my yards sale finds :)

Desk & Chair at Easy Street Resale

Chair - Painted "Beach Sparkle" Blue and recovered with a fun black & white fabric.

Vintage Record Cabinet, left mostly original with painted "Oxford" blue doors.

 Desk painted "Apple-a-day" Red. Love how this turned out!


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Chalkboards ♥

I am really loving these cute chalkboards! They make wonderful signs for events, weddings, photography, businesses, etc!

Here are a few I've done lately :)