Sunday, October 14, 2012

Fall Open House

Today was our 2nd annual Fall Open House! Great way to get my things out there to people who may not know about us (yet)! The turn out was great and we made some good sales!

Hoping to get some inventory built up so we can really do some great craft shows this next spring/summer!

What do you guys think would go best at these types of shows?


Monday, October 8, 2012

Dresser #2

If I took a before picture of this dresser, it must have run away screaming! Basically, picture it very "Blah and Brown" :)

Add a little paint, distress a little and ta-da!! Pretty Dresser!

My lighting at home is not the best... But it looks great in our booth at Easy Street Resale!

 What do you guys think?


Monday, October 1, 2012

Chest of Drawers #1 Before & After

I found this great old chest of drawers at my usual hunting ground :) All it took was a few nails, some paint, and my trusty sander! I think it turned out pretty good for my first BIG project. I couldn't wait to get it in the booth at Easy Street Resale!

Update: I'm happy to say that this is sold :)